3 Tips to Help Enhance Your Summer Morning Routine

Establish a Summer Morning Routine

Tip 1: Go To Bed Early

The time to go to bed early can vary, but the rule in Ayurveda is to go to bed by 10pm! I like to start getting ready for bed around 8pm and be in bed by 9 to 9:30pm. Once in bed I like to read until 10pm. I find getting to bed early helps to make rising earlier in the morning more bearably. You could also think of your circadian rhythm, rise when the sun rises and rest, when the sun sets.

Tip 2: Wake Before 6am

Wake before 6am. An early start to the day, gives you quiet time to reflect and accomplish what suits you, such as journalling, meditating, movement practice (yoga, exercise, walk). Try different morning activities that help you feel at peace in your body and mind, before the busyness of the day starts!

Tip 3: Nurture Your Body

You can nuture your body with water and a healthy breakfast. For me, I like to drink a warm lemon water with honey. After, I take some vitamins. Next I drink a green juice! I like to make green juice with my Namawell juicer, I usually make about 3 servers and store in the fridge. The other days of the week I use a green powder or chlorophyll! After all this, I like to eat a healthy breakfast. You do, and find out what works for you, such as hydration and healthy whole foods for breakfast.

Well, those are my three tips to help enhance your Summer morning routine:

  1. Go to bed early

  2. Wake before 6am

  3. Nurture your body

Below is a quote from James Clear, who wrote Atomic Habits, a great book to help motivate you to make good habits and break bad ones!

The myth is that there isn’t enough time. There is plenty of time. There isn’t enough focus with the time you have. You win by directing your attention toward better things.
— James Clear, Atomic Habits

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