Integrate Yoga in Your Life, Learn Mediation and Breath Work Techniques.

Learn at your own pace with these on demand classes. You can practice at your own pace and time.


Everyday Yoga Asana

Learn the simple posture’s of yoga and get 4 unique practices with playlist’s to help motivate you to get into your flow state.

Meditation’s to Help You Ground

Learn the fundamentals of mediation. Receive 4 guided mediations to help on your mediation journey.

Breath Work

Learn the basics of breath and how you can use breath to help reduce stress and anxiety in your daily life. Learn 4 breath techniques that can be incorporated into your everyday.


  • Yes, all of our sessions are held online and recorded if you can’t make it live. You can live anywhere in the world and attend this training.

  • Upon Request.

  • All sales are final.